NOA PhD student Francesco Vitale analyzing the photoluminescence of semiconductur nanowires.
watermark — a wave that decreases in amplitude and wavelength after passing through an area of points

Area C

The nonlinear optical investigations performed in Project Area C focus on effective zero- and one-dimen­sional plasmonic hybrid systems.
NOA PhD student Francesco Vitale analyzing the photoluminescence of semiconductur nanowires.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

C – Plasmon-enhanced nonlinear optics in low-dimensional hybrids

Project Area C focuses on effective zero- and one-dimen­sional plasmonic hybrid systems. Metallic tips and tailor-made hybrid nanostructures are used to control light at the subwavelength scale, enabling investigations down to the single-molecule limit, e.g., with nonlinear optics tools such as Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS). Novel nonlinear spectroscopic techniques will be developed aiming at measuring ultrafast vibrational and electronic dynamics, e.g., employing high order harmonics. 

Project C

Image: Katrin Uhling/Leibniz-IPHT